photos (angler's hall of fame gallery)
This is the page where you can show your stuff. Email me a photo of your prized catch and if it's worthy, I'll get it up here for the whole world to see. Images need to be clear and of fisher persons with large fish in their species ie no 2 pound Jack Crevalle ... also looking for oddball fish species or unique circumstances about a catch you made.
Fine Print: When sending the photo, please make note of how/where you caught the fish, your name, address and that I have permission to use it here on my website. Photos shown on this page will have your name and place the fish was caught, unless you specify that you don't want either shown, in which case your photo info here will be "Fred Shmickman" from Bend, Oregon ... someone I made up decades ago, whenever I didn't have a name of an angler in my 90's blog ... the "Klassen Comment".

Tom Meyer from Boulder, CO with a Needlefish caught in Cabo San Lucas
Fred Shmickman from Bend, OR with a Scrawled Filefish caught in Los Cabos

Mike Wasch from Kona, HI with a Wrasse on a small fly rod

Shmickman bros from Bend, OR with a Shortbill Spearfish